
by Lisa

Mike and Lisa have just arrived at the bed and breakfast in Santa Barbara for their one-year anniversary weekend.

Lisa (flopping onto the bed): “I’m just going to have a 20 minute nap.”

Mike (bounding over and pestering her with kisses): “Later. You’re just going to have a 20 minute nap… later. Let’s sit out on the deck and have wine and talk.”

Lisa (sighing): “OK.”

Mike (relenting slightly): “OK. You can have a 5 minute nap while I move the car. After I come back you have to get up…” (clapping his hands) “Let’s talk! Let’s talk!”

Lisa (sighing): “OK.”

Mike (being obnoxiously cheerful and possibly deliberately inflammatory as he’s on his way out the door): “You’ve gotten so good at compromising! And it’s only taken you a year.”

Lisa: “That wasn’t a compromise. That was me knowing I was going to lose this one either way, so figuring I should just take what I can get.”

Mike: “Honey, that is compromise!”

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