Bhutan at the speed of baby – the big hike and other happenings

by Lisa

We’ve been back from Bhutan more than a week but ‘whatevs’, this is blog posting at the speed of baby.

So what did we do during our last couple of days in Bhutan?

Mama did an interview about Love At The Speed Of Email on Radio Valley 99.9, the first private FM radio station in the country. She didn’t talk about me at all. Boring.

We spun a lot of prayer wheels. Mum and Dad didn’t let me do much of the spinning. Tell me that one about sharing again, why don’t you.

We hiked up to Tiger’s Nest monastery. We were at 10,000 feet and it was 2.5 miles pretty much straight up. At one point I thought Daddy was going to have to carry me and Mama. Really wanted to see him try but he told her she was a big girl and would have to use her legs. Sucked in Mama, you should have ridden a pony like the smart people did. (Editorial sidenote: That white dot on the middle mountain? That’s Tiger’s Nest).

I only agreed to go on the hike in the first place because I thought I’d finally get to see a tiger. Didn’t. Not a single tiger in that whole nest. Really peeved.

Threw every rock I could get my hands on whenever they let me out of the baby carrier to express my disappointment about the total lack of tigers.


Saw a cat during the tea break. Wasn’t the same.

Played in the prayer flags at the top of the mountain. They were great for peekaboo. The several thousand foot drop nearby really added some spice to the game. Daddy sure knows how to have fun when he applies himself.

Mama, on the other hand, wouldn’t even let me touch the temple dogs. I told Daddy we should leave her at home next time. Mama said that was fine by her. Guess she was disappointed about not seeing any tigers, too. Â

Almost forgot. Saw a lot of buildings emblazoned with the symbol of my favorite possession in the whole wide world. Bhutan is clearly a land that values many different types of sacred objects. How refreshing. Almost makes up for their complete lack of tigers. (If you’re curious about these paintings and you don’t want to search “penis images Bhutan” on your work computer, follow this link and wikipedia will tell you all about it).

There was a lot of scenery. Meh. A view is just a view if you can’t get close enough to it to pick up rocks.

Didn’t sleep a wink during the entire seven-hour trip back to Bangkok. Tried to make a break for it when the plane stopped over in India but was foiled. Spent the rest of the trip slamming window shades up and down and banging on tray tables. At one point Mama told Daddy to take me away. “Lock him in the toilet, maybe?” she suggested. Wish he had. Love toilets. Almost as much as tigers.

Until next time.

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Lynne November 11, 2012 - 6:16 am

Love Dom’s posts. And i found myself feeling a lot of joy seeing pics of Mike with Dom in a backpack.

Lisa November 15, 2012 - 8:28 pm

Yeah. It’s a good thing. I mean, for reasons other than Dominic would never have made it to the top of the mountain if Mike couldn’t have carried him.

Lana November 19, 2012 - 9:23 pm

YOU WENT TO BHUTAN YOU WENT TO BHUTAN YOU WENT TO BHUTAN. I’m so freakin jealous. I have been wanting to go there sooooooooooooo bad.

Lisa November 21, 2012 - 8:48 pm

Yes, it’s a pretty cool thing to be able to do, isn’t it. I’m glad we were able to make the trip.

juzz January 29, 2013 - 11:18 am

how did you find it travelling with a baby in Bhutan. was everyones health ok? what advice for traveling with baby would you give? eg food, accomodattion. thanks

Lisa January 30, 2013 - 8:17 pm

Hi there,

It was fine. All our health stayed fine. You’ll be traveling with a guide – I believe it’s mandatory unless you’re visiting a local friend as we were. So your guide will help take care of accommodation, food etc. There’s lots of travel by car, so take a car seat if you want and need one for the baby. We did without, because it was just too cumbersome to lug from Laos, but I didn’t like traveling by car without one.

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