Monkeys drinking wine, nude maternity photos, and other such topics

by Lisa

I know I said I was going to put up a post on author’s favorite children’s books today, but I’m not. It’s taking longer than I thought it would to draft and I want to do it right. So that’s on next week’s schedule for Writing Wednesday.

In the meantime, in keeping with the childhood theme this week, I’m going to put up a post containing material completely unsuitable for children.

How is that in keeping with the theme of childhood, you might ask? Well, it’s in keeping with mine. To wit, an excerpt from the soon to be published Love At The Speed Of Email:

“Like many kids, I suspect, I was drawn to stories of outsiders or children persevering against all odds in the face of hardship. I devoured all of C.S. Lewis’ stories of Narnia and adored the novels of Frances Hodgson Burnett, especially the ones featuring little girls who were raised in India before being exiled to face great hardship in Britain. But I also strayed into more adult territory. I trolled our bookshelves and the bookshelves of family friends, and those bookshelves were gold mines for stories about everything from religious persecution to murder, rape, civil war, child brides, and honor killing.

“It would be nice,” my father commented dryly upon reading the first draft of this chapter, “if you could manage not to make it sound like our personal library was stocked exclusively with troubling filth.”

“Dad,” I explained, “that’s why I used the gold-mine analogy. You don’t just stumble across gold; you have to dig for it. I worked really hard to find that stuff in amongst all the boring family-friendly fare you were prone to buying.”

Additionally, this post is in keeping with the theme of childhood because, as everyone knows, children can ask a lot of questions. And just as a responsible parent answers their children’s questions (at least the first five times they’re asked), a responsible blogger answers her reader’s questions.

Today I woke up feeling responsible, so here are my answers to some recent search terms and questions asked of google that have led people to my blog.

In no particular order:

When do stitches come out after delivery? They don’t. They sew you up using special thread that dissolves over time.

Monkey drinking wine picture: Here (it should be noted that I was not feeding the monkey wine):

Where can I steal a baby monkey? You should be ashamed of yourself.

What is a cluster bomb? A form of air-dropped or ground-launched explosive weapon that releases or ejects smaller sub-munitions. Laos is, unfortunately, littered with them – see this post on the UXO museum here.

Bonsai dog: People, I get this one all the time and as far as I know, there is no such thing as a bonsai dog. There are bonsai trees. There are dogs. End of story.

White dog looks like husky: This one post has made me somewhat of a go-to person on white dogs that look like huskies. There are four options – Samoyed, Siberian husky, Alaskan Malamut & Shiba Inu.

Butchering Samoyeds: You should be ashamed of yourself.

Bad puppy chewing rug: Here:

Treating lympedema in puppies: If anyone has any good information on this (or, more usefully, on treating lymphedema in people), leave it below.

Do koalas bite people? No, but drop bears do. Follow the link to familiarize yourself with Australia’s most fearsome predator, the drop bear.

Funny dead cats in oven: Haven’t seen any of these lately, sorry.

Should I move to Laos? Why not, go for it.

Where can I get a Lao second wife? You’ll figure this one out quickly enough on your own after you move here. (And, PS, you should be ashamed of yourself).

Phallic rocks: Here (you may also want to google Cappadocia, Turkey):

How loud is a sperm whale? The sonar clicks produced by sperm whales are the loudest sound produced by a living creature, as loud as thunder. Apparently, when a sperm whale clicks at a diver it’s like getting kicked in the chest by a horse.

Lisa McKay sex trade worker: Not me, people. Lisa Ann McKay. She was convicted of killing a realtor in 2006 and she was recently released.

Does pornography change young minds? Yes. And older minds. For an excellent discussion of this seek out the book The Brain That Changes Itself and read chapter four on Acquiring Tastes and Loves.

How can I break my arm on rollerblades? By falling over.

Elf-milk: Um… drawing a blank on this one. Sorry.

Can I eat sorbet when pregnant? Absolutely, during the last three weeks of pregnancy I helped myself to a bowl (or two) some time between midnight and 4am every day.

Nude maternity photos: Here: … Kidding. I’m so not going there. And before you start looking through all my other posts, I cannot figure out why two people landed on my blog using this search term. Honestly.

That’s it for this session of 20 questions folks. If you have a question for me, you know where to find me. And if you forget, apparently you can just google nude maternity photos.

Have a good weekend.

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shelleyring March 9, 2012 - 10:20 am

Lisa, you made me laugh out loud! I love a funny blog – no matter what else is going on in my life, if a blog can make me laugh I know it’s time well spent. 😉 Blessings on you! Shelley Ring

Lisa McKay March 11, 2012 - 8:50 pm

Thanks Shelley! Some days I just need to write the fun ones, so it’s good to now they’ve added smiles to someone else’s day as well.

Jenn March 9, 2012 - 10:30 am

Kaya is very hurt that you did not include the American Eskimo Dog (also known as the German Spitz prior to WWI induced anti-German sentiment) on your list of “white dogs that look like a husky”.

Lisa McKay March 11, 2012 - 8:49 pm

Sorry Kaya. Next time. Because there will be a next time, of that I’m sure.

Jenn April 6, 2012 - 4:36 am

haha 🙂 Kaya will forgive you & she’ll make it up to you with snuggles & kisses if you ever came to see her again 😉

Nice new website! I was exploring & realized I had missed your response. Although, upon rereading this post, wonder if the bonsai dogs people are actually looking for borzoi dogs…

Lisa April 6, 2012 - 4:43 am

I will have to google borzoi dogs (after I go home and feed Dominic). Now I’m intrigued.

Margie March 9, 2012 - 11:00 am

“Bad puppy chewing rug:” – I laughed when I read this. Is it a rug that chews puppies, therefore a bad rug or…then I saw the photo! OHhhhhh…got it! 🙂

Lisa McKay March 11, 2012 - 8:48 pm

Well, now that you point it out, I’m not sure. Maybe I didn’t give people what they were after after all.

Lynne March 9, 2012 - 11:28 am

This is hilarious! And I desperately want a Shiba Inu.

Lisa McKay March 11, 2012 - 8:47 pm

Me too. After a Samoyed.

Clare Scott March 10, 2012 - 12:07 am

I’m guessing the people looking for bonzai dogs might be looking for these guys:

Lisa McKay March 11, 2012 - 8:47 pm

Ha ha ha haaaaa! Too funny. Maybe they are. That would at least be some remotely sensible explanation for why that search term shows up nearly every day.

Meredith March 10, 2012 - 4:15 am

Love the nude maternity photo search linking people to your blog. From what little I know of you, I can kind of guess that really wouldn’t be your speed. Speaking of, though, it apparently is Jessica Simpsons…wha?!?!

Lisa McKay March 11, 2012 - 8:46 pm

Well, if I looked like Jessica Simpson while naked and pregnant, maybe … Or maybe not. Maybe, though 🙂

Erin March 12, 2012 - 1:38 pm

Hehe, drop bears – I’ve told my Canadian flat mates about them 🙂

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