Puppy lessons in parenthood (2)

by Lisa

It’s lunchtime in the McWolfe household of (temporarily) seven. Chaos is reigning. The three and six year old are loudly demanding their lunch, Mike is trying to finish his before he has to go back to the office. The baby’s been strapped in his stroller. Zulu is meandering around hopefully.

Mike and I watch as Zulu wanders over to the baby in the stroller.

“Awww…” we say fondly as our little dog sniffs nicely at the baby’s toes, then moves upwards to the baby’s hands – exploring ever so gently and sweetly.

“Good dog, good boy, nice gentle licking, good kissing of the baby,” we both praise him proudly, then pause as Zulu turns to trot away, tail wagging, and with something long and yellow hanging from his snout.

“What’s that in his…” Mike and I say in unison, just as the baby’s mother – from the kitchen – calls out, “the baby has banana!”

Zulu flicks his head back and the banana disappears.

“Awwww, Zulu!” we say in an entirely different tone, staring at our unrepentant puppy. “You stealer of baby food! You furry little thief! You should be ashamed of yourself – we are ashamed of you!”

“Welcome to parenthood,” says the mother in the kitchen.

Zulu playing nicely with another baby – the puppy next door

…And playing less nicely with the puppy next door

…And playing less nicely still

…And this was the end of that particular play session

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Sharla February 25, 2011 - 9:00 am

And sooner or later, you’ll be saying, “Analise, be nice to the dog, Analise, stop pulling the dog’s tail, Analise, stop trying to ride the dog….be NICE! GENTLE!!!” 😉

Lisa McKay February 25, 2011 - 3:20 pm

Yeah, after having three small boys here this week I can see that – they’re getting rougher as they warm up to him!

sparksinshadow February 25, 2011 - 12:47 pm

My cat has never been around any baby kitties, but she has stolen quite a bit of food from me. Foods she would only turn her nose up at, if I put them into her dish! And these pictures are delightful — especially after I figured out how “not as dangerous as I thought” the last one was!

Lisa McKay February 25, 2011 - 3:21 pm

Yes, the small puppy is blurry mostly because he is rapidly being pulled backwards and away from those open jaws by Mike.

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